Useful “Search Now” button appears in Apple Maps when iOS 18 is installed


In the iOS 18 Beta, Apple Maps users are getting access to a new button that says “Search Here.” Tapping on that button will allow you to know whether something you’ve searched for in a specific area is also available in the region that you are driving to. For example, let’s say that you’re in Boston and you search for fast food. You see on the map results such as Gorgon Ramsay Burger, Chick-fil-A, McDonald’s, Five Guys, and more. You decide to wait to eat until you arrive at your destination.
So let’s say that you’re traveling to Yonkers in New York. To see what fast food options you’ll have when you arrive there, move the map to Yonkers and you’ll see a button that says “Search Here.” Tap it and all of the fast food restaurants in the area will appear. This will work for anything that you search for be it coffee shops, gas stations, and even T-Mobile corporate and authorized retailers. This feature will come in handy if you know exactly what city you’re driving to and what you’ll be looking for when you get there.

Those not running the iOS 18 Beta might notice that as they move from one location to their destination on the screen, the type of stores they are searching for will sometimes pop up automatically . But with the iOS 18 Beta and the “Search Here” button, not only will your search follow you to your destination when you press the button, it will still surface if you adjust the zoom level of the map or move to a destination right next to the place of the original search. Results don’t always consistently appear under those situations unless you press the “Search Here” button which appears with the iOS 18 beta.

Yes, Google Maps has had this feature for some time but that doesn’t mean that Apple Maps users don’t have the right to use it on Apple Maps as well. In addition, in iOS 18 Apple Maps users will be able to create custom walking and hiking routes at U.S. national parks.

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