This week I had the pleasure of speaking with a T-Mobile Mobile Expert (ME) who has been working with the carrier since 2014. We will keep him anonymous since he still works for the carrier. He told me that things were better under Legere and that many other T-Mobile employees believe that as well. Many of the current problems facing T-Mobile have to do with the metrics that reps need to meet in order to keep their jobs. This seems to have led several reps to allegedly misrepresent promotions, add lines to customer accounts without approval, and more.

Mike Sievert (L) and John Legere when times were better at T-Mobile.|Image credit-T-Mobile
“Morale is in the dumpster…the morale is so bad [that] it’s hard to do our job correctly. We are at a constant battle between right and wrong because we’re at the mercy of what management wants. So a lot of times it’s hard to make money and hit metrics.”-Anonymous T-Mobile Mobile Expert”
And while reps had to hit metrics in the Legere years, they are different now according to the ME. He says that under Sievert, the metrics are “opportunity based.” And while he agrees with the assessment that under Sievert T-Mobile‘s focus has shifted from the customer to the stock price, he says that employees are feeling this change the most. For example the anonymous employee I spoke with told me that he has soured on the company ever since his base pay was cut.
The T-Mobile employee did have a suggestion to help end the constant stories we hear about reps committing fraud in order for them to make enough money to live on. He believes that a pay raise from the company could relieve the pressure on rogue reps. He also explained the difference between T-Mobile at the time it closed on the Sprint purchase and the fall that the carrier has since experienced.
“Man! Legere was so much fun. I had the opportunity to meet him a few times and he’s just as fun in person. Sievert on the other hand…Bad actor lol.”-Anonymous T-Mobile Mobile Expert
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