Sprint customers might still be paying a monthly lease program that goes on forever

According to a T-Mobile rep who claims to see it every day, Former Sprint customers are coming into T-Mobile stores to upgrade and discover that they are still paying month-to-month for a lease program that has no end date.While this lease program can go on until the end of time, a T-Mobile rep can press a button to make it go away. One T-Mobile rep urges former Sprint customers to head to a T-Mobile location and have the account features looked at.

Another T-Mobile rep explains that a manager isn’t required to remove the Sprint lease from a customer’s account. He also suggests that if a T-Mobile rep does remove it, he should make sure to tell the customer what he did because it makes the customer happy. This rep, known as Redditor Fit_Ad8907, stated that “It’s amazing how customers do not pay attention to their bill [and] get upset because they’ve been charged years for something.”

A Redditor with the username JusSomeDude2 also appears to be a T-Mobile rep and he too puts the onus on the customer to understand what he is paying. “I mean it’s been half a decade, if you haven’t looked at your bill in half a decade, and now you’re upset, you are a moron,” he posts. “This is horrible that T-Mobile doesn’t just eliminate this feature,” says one response, possibly from a former Sprint customer.

What you need to do if you were a Sprint customer is to bring your monthly invoice into your local T-Mobile store and have a rep take a look at the bill. If it shows that you are still paying for the lease every month until the end of time, ask that it be removed immediately.

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