Sony Xperia 10 VI: PhoneArena Camera Score


The Sony Xperia 10 VI is a mid-range phone which packs a lot of interesting Sony camera tech. While it lacks some flagship camera features, it has the image processing of a Sony device, so let’s see what its camera system is all about.

What you can see immediately from the specs is that Sony seems to be using the same hardware for the main and ultra-wide camera, but instead of improving the 2X zoom telephoto camera from last year’s Xperia 10 V, it has removed it altogether.

This definitely sounds like a downgrade, so why did Sony do it? Well, cost-cutting, of course, but Sony could also argue that it can use sensor cropping to achieve similar quality at a 2X zoom level.

So let’s see how all of that has played out in our PhoneArena Camera Score!

Xperia 10 VI Camera Score Compared to Rivals:

With a total score of around 118 points, the Xperia 10 VIΒ ranks below other popular phones in the sub $500 price tier. We really wish we could compare the device to the preceding Xperia 10 V model, but unfortunately we don’t have that phone.

Main Camera

The Xperia 10 VI features a 48MP main camera, and just like most other phones it uses this higher resolution for quad pixel binning, so you end up with 12MP photos.

The sensor itself is not among the largest used on a phone: it’s a 1/2″ size compared to 1/1.3″ used on flagship devices.

The field of view is also a bit narrower than many other phones at 26mm.

So what about the images?

Colors look mostly okay, if a bit muted, but at least you don’t get some crazy overblown colors. If you like images with natural, realistic tonalities, you would like the results.

Unfortunately, some compromises were made, and the big issue is the comparative lack of detail that you notice when you blow up the image on a bigger screen.

The Xperia, however, lacks a high-resolution shooting mode, so you cannot capture pictures in the full 48 megapixels.

Zoom Quality

Since there is no telephoto camera on this Xperia 10 VI, you cannot expect much when you zoom in.

The above images at 2X look mostly fine, retaining those natural color tones and overall balance, but zooming further on you end up with images that lack detail, which brings the score down.

Ultra-wide Camera

The ultra-wide camera on the Sony features a 16mm field of view, which is a bit less than on some other phones, but is an interesting perspective as it does not look as extreme as those others. Some may argue this focal distance is a bit more versatile.

But it’s just an 8-megapixel camera we are dealing with here, so we once again bump into the sub-par detail that brings the score of the Xperia down.

We also observed issues with this camera losing sharpness in the corners.

Additionally, there is no dedicated macro mode on board, which is a pity.

Front Camera

An 8MP front camera takes care of your selfie needs.

Again, it follows the familiar Sony script: neutral colors with no excessive saturation, and a softer look, which actually looks pleasing for selfies.

Unsurprisingly, the Xperia got higher scores for this camera, both in terms of exposure accuracy and color fidelity.

Main Camera – Video

The Xperia struggles more with video capture than with photos.

4K video footage was particularly jerky, as the video stabilization is just not good enough on this device.

We also have some other problems like the lack of detail carry over, and certain useful modes like enhanced video stabilization are missing.

Zoom Quality – Video

The lack of a telephoto camera once again reflect in video zoom recordings where detail is poor, and that is the main issue we observed.

Color fidelity and exposure were not bad, but it was the lack of detail that affected the score the most.

Ultra-wide Camera – Video

We probably already sound a bit like a broken record, but just like with the other cameras, footage captured on the ultra-wide camera also lacked the necessary detail, something you notice best when you open it on a bigger screen.

Front Camera – Video

Finally, video recorded using the front camera was just fine, but nothing extraordinary and some rivals in the same price class got higher scores thanks to better detail.


At the end of the day, the Xperia 10 VI camera score is on the low side because each of the cameras had consistent issue with rendering finer detail, and that is an important consideration.

However, we ought to say that in some subjective matters like colors, we quite like the images from the Xperia that take an old-fashioned approach with realistic, neutral tonalities and no crazy, wild saturation.

How do you like the Xperia 1 VI and Sony camera phones in general? Do you like the company’s approach to images?

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