Stuck on a glacier, surrounded by wildfires, four hikers were saved by an iPhone


The hikers were camping on the glacier when they encountered thick smoke from the wildfires which blocked their visibility. In addition, embers were falling from the sky landing on the hikers’ tent. Despite these conditions, Apple’s Emergency SOS via Satellite still worked allowing the rescue team to find the location of the hikers. The hikers got the rescue underway by using the satellite-based emergency service to send text messages to emergency services.

The hikers found themselves in a very difficult situation. Mark Jennings-Bates, manager of the Kaslo Search and Rescue team, gave Apple’s Emergency SOS via Satellite feature high praise noting that the iPhone saved the hikers’ lives.

Jennings-Bates made this comment even though the CBC News report said it turned out that the hikers were well prepared and were able to get themselves to an area where they would not have been threatened for a few days. The safe spot was located at the toe of the glacier, surrounded by rocks and next to an alpine lake.

Right now, Emergency SOS via Satellite allows users of the iPhone 14 and iPhone 15 lines to send short text messages to emergency services through a satellite. This comes in handy when an iPhone user finds himself in an emergency situation and needs help but there is no cellular service or Wi-Fi connectivity in the area. If an iPhone user finds himself in such a situation, the phone itself will help the user find and connect to the proper satellite to get the text message out. In iOS 18 users will be able to send longer text messages and even video using satellites.

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