You probably won’t find many apps priced at the new $999.99 maximum. There are always those apps that exist for the sole purpose of allowing some insecure smartphone users to show how rich they are by buying an app for the maximum price and delivering practically no features. Other apps offering business-class software and other services might be sold at a subscription price at or near the maximum.

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Besides the developers who can now charge a higher maximum price for their apps, another beneficiary of this change is Google itself. Developers using Google’s in-app payment processing platform turn over 15% of the first million dollars that they collect over a year. Once developers exceed their first million dollars in revenue, Google collects 30% of the amount. So you can see, the higher the prices that developers charge for their apps, the larger the amount of money that ends up in Google’s coffers.
If Google waits another 103 months before it increases the maximum app price allowed in the Play Store, we will be writing about this again in December 2032 and by that time, the maximum app price could be close to $2,500.
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