Google Photos might soon let you set a custom timeframe to permanently delete items in trash


According to code found in the most recent version of the Google Photos app for Android (v6.79.0.624777117), the app might soon let you customize how long deleted photos stay in the trash. This will be a good feature if you need to be able to clear out storage space to store more photos.

The string, found by code expert AssembleDebug (via PiunikaWeb) suggests users might be able to set a custom timeframe for how long items stay in the trash before being permanently deleted. This feature is currently not available to the public, but it suggests that Google is planning on giving users more control over their photos in the trash bin. This is the new string in comparison with the current one:

New Code

    <string name=”photos_trash_ui_empty_state_caption_configurable”>

        {count, plural, =1{Items in the trash are deleted after # day} other{Items in the trash are deleted after # days}}


Old Code

     <string name=”photos_trash_ui_empty_state_caption”>

        Items in the trash are deleted after 60 days


Right now, when you delete a photo or video from Google Photos, it goes into the trash bin. The photos and videos stay there for 60 days before being permanently deleted, but will still count towards your storage space until then. This can be a useful feature if you accidentally delete something you later want to recover. However, it can also be frustrating if you’re on a lower storage tier, thus running out of space and want to permanently delete photos right away to make room for more.

This feature is, of course, still under development and there is no word on when or if it will be available to the public. APK teardown features are hard to predict, however, the fact that Google is at least working on it suggests that the company is listening to user feedback and is looking for ways to improve the Google Photos experience.

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